31 December 2014 kaleidoscope

Highlights of SZN's 2014


/ Internship /
21 February 2014 around 5pm. I received a text from Irfan saying that we are going to start the Internship next week which was just 3 days away. I was so happy and excited that I didn't know how to react. Why is that? Well If you happen to read my previous post, I was doing the internship at one of the best state-owned company in Indonesia, PT. Angkasa Pura I, Juanda International Airport Surabaya. If you think it was just another internship, then the answer is "no, it's not!". I've been praying especially with my mom that I could get the chance to do my internship, so it was the answer to our prayer! 

/ Thesis /
Thesis, uh? Doesn't it sound scary and complicated? lol. Well, it does. Even more complex, my thesis is in English. Informal English? Never been a problem to me! BUT, academic english is just a whole different story.  

Theory. All business student must've known that there are several marketing theories which famous amongst the others. As I found the problem occurred at the Company, I started to think about the theories I should use in my thesis. I didn't feel like using the famous marketing theories which have been using by many people for years. I prayed to God, ask for the best yet fresh theory I should use as the main theory: and...KABOOM! I got it! Where did i got it? It was from a marketing book I read years ago. 

Everything just popped up in the perfect time. I had my family with me during the times: I had my sist and bro help me to "scan" my english, I had a Professor which also my dad who helped me a lot in statistics, I have my mom and all my family who prayed and were there for me 24/7.

I had one pray among many others, which basically ask God so that I will do my thesis defence BEFORE my birthday. Again and again, I got my prayer answered! I did it just a week before my birthday.

/ Graduation /
Graduation rehearsal situation: 
*holding my seat number card, looking for my seat* 368, 369, 370, 371
Me: Excuse me, sir. I can't fing my seat. I think it suppose to be around here.
Committee: What is your seat number?
Me: It's 370A
Committee: *with a high volume* Oh! You graduate with honour! You aren't suppose to sit here. Your seat is next to the stage! Go to your left and find the Cum Laude row.
Minutes before graduation ceremony: 
Big bro: You are going to graduate with Cum Laude (graduate with honour) predicate, aren't you?
Me: hahaha who told you? No way.
Graduation ceremony:
It was done in alphabetical order for all the faculties. All graduates from the faculties had finished being called but me and the students in my row. Then suddenly:
"Suzan Caroline Benu, Graduate with Honour with the predicate of Cum Laude, with the GPA of 3.843"

I looked at my parents and smiled as I standing and walking to the stage. There were no other students who standing but me. I walked all the way to the stage, then went to the screen to pose for a pict in front of everyone else.
My dad smiled proudly and my mom got tears in her eyes. Yes, I didn't tell them until the very moment they called my name as the graduate with honour. I think I just made their day, or just simply put a good memory in their lives 

/ Friends /
Friend! I remember I wrote down my 2014 resolutions and one of em was having some really good friends. Surprisingly, I've got significant number of new friends around the globe, and even better I became really good friend with some of them. Alexey, Charly 'cutie pie', Özi, Trevor, Tom, Sébastien, Soichiro, Donald, Suta, Yona, Léo and list goes on and on. They came with all their uniqueness and different cultural background, yet we can have a good friendship. 

/ Singapore, December 2014 /
The month December and the country Singapore have a special place in my heart. 
December. In December alone, I've got the chance to meet some new friends and I met some of them accidentally. I got to met Martin from Ireland, Alfredo from Spain, Elie from France, Kelvin from Singapore, Cecilia from the UK and Nick from Canada.
Singapore. I've been visiting this counties for years, YET this time is just different. I met people accidentally in Singapore; I met local; I been to new places I never new places; I met someone for relatively short period of time yet leave a really good memories; Singapore is so different to me now. Singapore gets me smiling whenever I think of it <3

2014 has been a blessing year for me, with so many beautiful memories. I look forward for another wonderful years ahead especially 2015. Anyway, gotta go for new year eve dinner. HAVE A GREAT NYE. Stay safe.



Let's Pay Back! Salam 2 Jari!


Kita harus menang total, untuk revolusi mental….Salam dua jari, jangan lupa pilih Jokowi – JK. Dari Botak sampai gondrong, hatinya kotak-kotak.…Salam dua jari, jangan lupa pilih Jokowi – JK

  Pertama kali gue dengerin lagu ini adalah ketika kakak gue yang menetap di Singapore ngirimin video keponakan-keponakan gue nyanyiin lagu ini. Awalnya gue pikir itu cuman karangan mereka *lol* tapi ternyata lagu tersebut di bawakan oleh Slank & Friends sebagai dukungan mereka terhadap gerakan Revolusi Mental. Selain arrangement nya yang easy listening, lirik nya pun menarik.

  Sejak awal pengumuman Capres & Cawapres 2014-2019 diumumkan oleh KPU, hati gue sudah lebih condong kepada Jokowi-JK. Kenapa begitu? Selain kesederhaan Jokowi, Track record kepemimpinan Beliau sudah sangat jelas diketahui mayoritas orang Indonesia -not to mention berbagai penghargaan Internasional. Gue sendiri pertama kali tau sosok Jokowi ketika mendengar berita di radio tentang kepemimpinan Beliau sebagai Walikota Solo yang tidak pernah menerima gaji nya sama sekali. Gue langsung simpati dan mencari tau lebih jauh tentang sosok Jokowi. Kemudian Beliau menjadi familiar di mata rakyat Indonesia ketika terpilih menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta dan memimpin Jakarta dengan gaya blusukannya. 

  Tapi hal-hal di atas ga langsung membuat gue 100% yakin memilih Jokowi-JK. Gue kemudian melihat ada hal yang menarik: orang-orang dibelakang Jokowi, baik Tim Ahli maupun Tim Sukses. Adalah sosok Anies Baswedan yang membuat gue yakin memilih Jokowi – JK. Gue sendiri adalah penggemar berat Beliau. *iye, berat* . Menurut gue, Beliau adalah sosok yang simple, bijaksana, kritis, ga mengikuti arus politik yang mayoritas kotor, dan terlebih lagi Beliau adalah seorang yang cerdas. Akademisi dan aktifis. Watta combo! Sebenarnya gue berharap Beliau yang terpilih pada  konvensi Partai Demokrat beberapa waktu lalu...but ANYWAY, gue menjadi sangat mantap mendukung Jokowi – JK, setelah gue mendengar speech Pak Anies di youtube beberapa waktu lalu.

Di dalam speech tersebut, ada beberapa (dari begitu banyak) poin menarik yang Beliau sampaikan untuk kemudian dimengerti oleh kita:

Orang-orang yang baik, biasanya memiliki hambatan ketika ingin masuk ke dunia politik. Karena ini mindset kita: ketika orang tak bermasalah masuk ke poitik, kita cenderung mempermasalahkan, sebaliknya jika orang yang bermasalah masuk ke politik, justru kita tidak permasalahkan.

Kalau ada orang baik ingin ikut bertanggungjawab mengurus masalah Indonesia, dia pasti akan kalah jika orang baik lainnya, memilih diam dan mendiamkan. Pasti!
Jokowi merupakan suatu antitesa atas apa yang terjadi selama ini. Dia menawarkan kebaruan. Perubahan itu bisa dilakukan, jika dia bukan bagian dari masalah. Pak Jokowi is a clear choice.

Kenapa harus kemudian Jokowi menjadi presiden? Ketika ada orang baik yang terpercaya menjadi pemimpin di sebuah wilayah, apa yang terjadi di wilayah itu? Kita memiliki perasaan bahwa ada orang sedang bertanggung jawab yang sedang kerja disana. Apakah orang itu akan menyelesaikan semua masalah? Tidak. Apakah orang itu akan menyelesaikan masalah dan waktu sesingkat-singkatnya? Tidak. Tapi ketika ada problema-problema baru, maka rakyat tidak mengeluh. Kenapa? Karena dia tau pemimpinnya sedang kerja.

  Terlepas dari speech pak Anies yang udah bikin gue mantap memilih, gue juga sempat melihat dari perspektif lain.  Well, gue sendiri adalah tipe orang yang suka meng-cross check kebenaran dari suatu pernyataan melalui berbagai trusted source. Bukan karena gue mendukung Jokowi-JK, tetapi gue merasa bodoh ketika gue ga bisa memberi informasi yang benar ketika orang lain menimpali gue dengan informasi salah. Sebaliknya, ketika gue tau hal yang benar maka gue akan sangat mantap untuk mempertahankan hal tersebut, tidak peduli ada berapa banyak orang yang gue lawan. Istilahnya: Sini lo semua! Satu satu juga gue jabanin! :p

  Sejak masa kampanye resmi di buka, ada begitu banyak black campaign yang dilemparkan oleh pihak tertentu untuk menjelekkan citra baik Jokowi-JK. Gue mencoba melihat diskusi resmi maupun ga resmi dari kedua kubu….dan satu hal yang terlihat jelas adalah:
   ~Kubu No.1 cenderung lebih menghindar ketika kemudian dikonfrontif untuk berdiskusi berdasarkan fakta dan logika. Para pendukung cenderung memiliki mental bodo amat yang penting gue pilih no.1 dan seakan menutup mata, telinga dan hati terhadap sejarah Indonesia.
   ~Sedangkan hal yang berbeda ditunjukan dari kubu Jokowi. Dari Tim Ahli sampai ke pendukung biasa, mereka semua kemudian menjadi cerdas untuk meng-cross check kebenaran dari berita dan isu yang beredar. Dan yang paling menarik adalah cara mereka mempertahankan pendapat: tidak ngotot tetapi berdasarkan fakta dan analogi yang clear.

Konser Salam 2 Jari, Gelora Bung Karno, 5 Juli 2014

  Yang terakhir adalah ketulusan dari pendukung Jokowi-JK. Konser Salam Dua Jari adalah salah satu bukti nyata dari begitu banyak orang berniat baik yang secara tulus mendukung Jokowi-JK. Bukan karena nasi bungkus gratisan, bukan karena salam tempel, apalagi karena mental bodo amat. Itu semua karena kami tau dan yakin siapa yang kami pilih…..dan kami tidak ada beban moral untuk memilih Jokowi –JK. Use Your Voice dan awasi perhitungan di TPS masing-masing. Mari Sukseskan Revolusi Mental!

Salam 2 Jari, Kawan!




noun: food; plural noun: foods
any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth.

Two things about Suzan and Food:
1. She eats A LOT.
2. She eats slowly for she's taking her time to enjoy every meal that she has.

  For those who have met in person must be having pretty much the same comment:  this girl is skinny as hell. Tall and thin.Well yeah, I’m tall –compared to the average Indonesian girls –and slim (yeah, I prefer the term “Slim” instead of “skinny”). I love eating nonetheless, despite my physical look. I love eating…like A LOT. Literally. People are always got their eyes widen every time I told them how many times I eat in a day. And I bet you’ll be surprised as well.  I eat 3 times a day…..and many times in between. 

   Both my mom and dad are great cook. I love my mom’s entire cook. My dad got some specialty in cooking chilly crab, steamed fish, and any dished of pork –all cook with his very own recipe indeed *drool*. So both mom and dad’s cook are TOP of my fave food list. Any food they cook. Beside my parents’ cook, I also got some fave cuisines from several countries on my list.

   During my travel to several countries, I found myself fall in love with the cuisines. If I should rank, then Thai food will always on the top. Followed by Indian, British, Chinese, American, Mexican and so on. The pictures below are some of my fave food (main course) by far along with the details *click at the name of the restaurant to go to the official web of the Restaurant*:

1.    Mom’s cook -Spicy Daging Se'i with Petai.
Kupang style of smoke pork with Parkia speciosa. Spicy and Delicioso!

2.       Dad’s cook: Thai Style of Steamed Fish
Perfect to have it on a rainy day.

3.  THAI FOOD (clockwise): Tom Yum Seafood, Mango Chicken and Butter Calamari  (Ah Loy Thai, Singapore)
Never skipped these three menu every time I go to Ah Toy Thai. P.S: they serve the best Thai food in town.

4.    THAI FOOD: Tom Yum Fried Rice & Thai Ice Tea (Bangkok Jam, Singapore)
Bangkok Jam has the best Tom Yum Fried Rice

 5.      AMERICAN: Manhattan Flaming Seafood Platter (The Manhattan Fish Market, Singapore)
Delicious! Just Delicious!

6.Mixed Grill – (360° Café - Macau Tower)

7 different kind of meats: chicken breast, sausages, lamb. Couldn't recall the 4 meats since I was there back in 2009.

7. AUSTRIAN: Black Forest Ham Savoury Crepe with Crème (Marché, Singapore)
The cream cheese is really creamy. I can't have enough of it!

8. NORTH-INDIAN: Cheese Naan and Butter Chicken (Copper Chimney, Singapore)
I like North-Indian food. Cheese Naan and Butter Chicken are just the perfect combo. I also like Chicken Tikka and Chicken Thandori. But still No No for Briyani Rice tho.

 9. SINGAPORE: QQ Special Noodle (QQ Noodle House, Singapore)
worth every penny.

10. SWEDISH: Köttbullar (IKEA, Singapore)
Meat balls, mashed potatoes, lingonberry jam and cream sauce

11. Hawaian Pizza (Universal Studio Singapore)
My fave kinda pizza: topped with ham, pineapple and cheese. yummy just yummy.

12. Burritos with grilled steak (Guzman y Gomez, Singapore)
Burritos with grilled steak in spicy Chipotle marinade with Pico de Gallo and Tomatillo Salsa

13. JAPANESE: O Cha Cha, Singapore
It's served cold and perfect for breakfast.

14. MALACCA: Chicken Rice Ball (Malacca)
Chicken Rice Ball is the superstar in Malacca. everyone will just try it once they arrived there. reaaally yummy

 15.  SINGAPORE: Chilli Crab (Pariss, Singapore)
Chilly Crab with buns. Yum!

16. Nasi Lemak with Beef
Nasi Lemak, beef, eggs, peanut and salted fish.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST: my 3 most fave Indonesian cuisine

It's really tasty, a bit sweet and spicy. Unforgettable!

17. INDONESIAN: Gado-gado (Gado-Gado Jumbo Pak Tikno, Surabaya)
Indonesian Style of Salad, poured with peanut sauce and served with crackers.

18. INDONESIAN: Rawon (Rawon Pak Pangat, Surabaya)

 One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. -Luciano Pavarotti



*phone beep* *open message from Irfan*

We’re going to start the internship next Monday” –which means 2 days to go.

Speaking of my internship… There are 3 things I love: I love any activities related to airport and plane, I’ve always interested about marketing, and I’m going to meet real people dealing with real business. Watta combo!

I’ve been waiting for this moment to come. Picturing the activities during the internship always got me excited. Watching The Internship made me can hardly wait to start the internship. However, the closer it got, the more nervous I felt.

Day 1. Monday, 24 February 2014

 "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression" –Will Rogers

Yes, First day is important to show the good first impression to my temporary colleagues for the next one and a half months. Hence, I dressed well and tried to always giving good and confident response whenever someone tries to have a small talk with me. My first day being an intern in Angkasa Pura 1 was interesting yet challenging. Why was it interesting? Surely everyone can guess it….mostly people are always interested to start something new…include me. Why was it challenging? Here’s the story:
Irfan and I arrive around 8am and went straight to the Human Capital Department. We went to Commercial and Sales Department –the department I chose to do the intership- and waited to meet the Department Head. An hour..two hours..three hours… nothing changed.  We just had some occasional convo with the staff and Section Head that passed us by. Lunch break..nothing changed. Accidentally, the Department Head had photo session with the airport magazine so we had to wait for another hours.
Finally, we got the chance to meet the Department Head at 2:30pm after waiting for hours. He was nice and very helpful.*relieved*. Next, we were introduced to the staff of the section we’re going to do the internship in. Irfan’s is Aviation & Cargo Section and mine is Retail Section –both are the part of Commercial & Sales Department of Angkasa Pura 1, Juanda International Airport Surabaya branch. Luckily, I have had know one of the staff in Retail section, Mas Agung, so no more introduction. Mas Agung was the one who introduced me to the other staffs of the Department. Some of them even came to me and introduce themselves…include the section head, Mr.Priyantoro. What made me even happier is that Mas Agung told me that Mr.Toro is the best section head he ever worked with.*dance*.
I end the first day happily with a list of new names that I should memorise ASAP. Watta great first day!

Day  2, Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Let me explain a bit about Retail section. Basically Retail section is dealing with companies that will / have already opened their tenants in Juanda International Airport terminals –both T1 and T2. It’s quite similar with Food and Beverage section. It’s just that Food and Beverages section is handling all the tenants that sell foods which cook on the spot, that Retail section is handling all the tenants beside that, such as tenants that sell packaged food-gift shop, garments, tech and bookstores.
I came that day with a smile on my face to everyone because I was excited to start the day. Then there came Mas Agung and he was like “Suzan, we are going to held a meeting with Bogajaya Group due to contract extension. Can you join the meeting?” and I was like “absolutely!”. At first I thought that there will be some staff and section head of Retail Section…yet it end up with The Department Head of Sales and Commercial, staff and section head of Food & Beverages, SMS, Retail and last but not least, the owner and team from Bogajaya Group.
The meeting was so interesting that I gained loads of new info that enrich my knowledge. There were many negotiations between Angkasa Pura and Bogajaya Group for the price adjustment due to contract extension. I once had Business Simulation class but the fact is that the real negotiation is a far cry compared to the class. Real people, with the real money, in the real business world. I felt so lucky to get the chance to join the meeting. I couldn’t wait for another meeting *grin*

Second day was even greater than the first day. Watta day!

Day  3. Wednesday, 26 February 2014

*Sad Face*
-Irfan didn’t show up so I was the only intern in the room.
-Had lunch by myself at the T1.

*Happy Face*
-I got 20% discount at the café because of the ID I hold. Yes, I was considered as “insider” of Angkasa Pura, and as insider, I got 20%.
-I knew more people.
-Gained new knowledge about the aviation system in Indonesia by a stranger-I-hardly-know.
-By the end of the day, there came Bu Anita out from nowhere bringing dozens of Dunkin Donuts because it was her birthday. Me? I got half dozen. Yeay!

Happy tummy, happy life!

Day  4. Thursday, 27 February 2014

 *happy face only

-Irfan showed up
-Move to new cubicle which made me get the chance to know more people
-Handling the invoice from Food & Beverages so I gained more knowledge from other section
- Extra lunch and lunch break time.
Irfan and I could grab some Manado food for lunch. Actually we came back late from the break but than we found that nobody’s there, so Irfan and I decided to meet our friend who’s waiting for his flight at T1 instead. We came back around 2pm and smelt something delicious once we entered the room. AHA! There are 4 big pans of Pizza Hut, and they were like “hey Suzan, hey Irfan, come here and grab some Pizza.!” Pizza. Hhaha yeah we got Pizza for Extra Lunch. 
Again.Happy Tummy, Happy Life!

Day  5. Friday, 28 February 2014

Wearing Batik every Friday

TGIF! Oh Yeah it’s Friday. I suppose to be happy….because IT’S FRIDAY. Unfortunately I felt a bit sick because I could hardly sleep the night before due to the thunderstorm. First. I woke up a bit late. Second. I was being such a lazy sleepyhead. Third. I was late for the morning exercise at the office. So I decided to take a day off –yes, the Section Head is so kind that he allowed an intern to take a day-off if s/he feels sick.
It was around 8pm when Irfan texted and persuaded me to cancel my day-off and go to the office instead. Yes, Friday is different compared to other weekdays: people just doing some not-so-serious jobs, everyone is in slow and relax mode..and that’s why Irfan persuaded me to come even if it was already late. I’ve always HATE to come late..yeah punctuality..but that day was different. I decided to go to the office instead and found that many of my colleague were still wearing their exercise clothes while some of them were still taking a bath. I WON and I love this company already. *smooch*
I was just about to sit when a staff from Food & Beverage section offered me some delicious fried meatball-tofu to me. Food! Food! I love Commercial & Sales Department.
As I said before, people are not really doing serious stuff like meeting on Friday so Irfan and I just chit chat with some staff. Then there come Aviation & Cargo Section Head asking one of the staff and Irfan to go to the new terminal, T2, to do some inspections. In fact, I’ve always wanted for my turn to go directly with the staff of Retail Section to the terminals and do some inspection or control. So they were just leaving shortly after that and I found my self and some female colleagues in the room –some of the Muslim male colleagues were doing the Friday pray.
Fortunately, two staff of Food & Beverage Section suddenly asked me to join them going to T2 because there will be some inspection and control. *dancing*. I was just hoping couple hours ago and it came true already. We joined Irfan & the team and did some inspections there. I couldn’t be happier. 

By far, I'm so happy to do the internship at Angkasa Pura 1 and chose Commercial & Sales Department -and Retail Section to be specific.Yeah,It's surely just the beginning. It's too early to say that I've gained enough experiences. I've gained some and and I really look forward for the next great experience ahead!

"Experience is one thing you can't get nothing" -Oscar Wilde


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